Friday, July 22, 2011

Great Quotes from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Great Quotes from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (Isha Yoga Centre, Velliangiri,TN)

It is always a joy to listen to Sages and  Saints, whose words are filled with Great wisdom.
One such Sage is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. When he speaks, it comes from some divine centre within him.
Spirituality lays great stress on SATHSANG for spiritual progress.
While, the company of the Guru and other disciples is the best form of Sathsang, when this is not possible, listening to Guru's words on some media is the next best thing.
I therefore place here a few of his  words, which I receive as SMS messages from friends. As we can all see, these are to be understood, contemplated upon and totally ingested into our lives.

  • What you do on the outside is not LIFE; it is activity. Life is withinyou.How this feels and functions right now is most important.
  • If you think one thing is sacred, but the rest of the people you cannot stand;if you love the creator but hate the creation, it is a big vulgarity.
  • Your personality is something that you created.Once you are aware of that,you could create it whichever way you want.
  • Fear has essentially come into human life, because of lack of clarity.Wherever there is clarity, there is no fear.
  • Dhyana means to be beyond the limitations of the body and mind. When you exist here only as a body, as a mind, suffering is inevitable.
  • Power should not be given to people who have no sense of inclusiveness.
  • If you want everybody to fall in love with you,the first thing is, you must fall in love with all of them.
  • There is only one calamity;that is ignorance.And there is only one solution, that is enlightenment.
  • If you want to run your eyes on somebody,please choose yourself for scrutiny.Do not scrutinize others.
  • Success does not come to you because you want it.Success comes to you because you did the right things.
  • Do not settle for who you are right now.If you push the barrier, there is something else.
  • When you understand that yoga is a process of dissolution,only then, it brings the divine into your life.

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